Friday, April 23, 2010

Cont.: Notes from Raw Foods Seminar

Important names:
Jenna Norwood- 30 days raw documentary maker. cool chick. owned raw food restaurant in dc? now travels around giving talks about raw food
David Wolfe- raw food guru, runs a clinic in san diego that jenna norwood attended called 'optimum health institute'

Cool websites: updates on her new documentary that is in pre-production, video demonstrations of raw recipes, articles, etc... out the guru resource for raw and a 92-day juice fast story of chris carr, girl who kicked cancer by eating raw resource for raw recipes. a model who is raw.. and so hotttt. for those interested in if people who eat raw can still do rando stuff like bodybuilding... ultra-marathoner Tim VanOrden (who also made the documentary "Protein Myth") and is raw a way to get connected with local co-ops in your area

Documentaries to watch:
Supercharge Me! 30 Days Raw
The Corporation
Protein Myth - on youtube

Comments to remember:
"Pay now or pay later" refering to question about cost of raw food in relation to cost of long-term health problems
"You cannot solve your problems with the same mind that created them" -Einstein
"Eating out with friends becomes less about the food and more about the company" refering to question of socializing with a raw lifestyle
One guy got up and gave a little testimony about his life with raw foods. He said the best way to start that lifestyle is by first and foremost getting rid of all cravings (he did that via the 'questionable' detox method called the "master cleanser fast") and then the next thing to do is investigate "superfoods" that quench cravings in a raw way... hm.

1 comment:

James Miltenberger said...

you'll have to put together a few raw meals for us next time you come back!